
Steel Plate钢板资讯

佛山彩钢板厂家主营河北兆建家电pcm彩涂板_深圳华美建筑vcm覆膜板 ...

2021-8-19 09:46| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1740| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资


In the general direction of transforming the economic growth mode and adjusting the economic structure, the home appliance industry will further develop towards the direction of green environmental protection, and the export faces harsh environmental protection standards and requirements, and the demand for green environmental protection materials is increasing.For example, passivated or fingerprint resistant film treatment of aluminum galvanized steel sheet, hot galvanized chromium free passivation plate, chrome free color coating plate, electrical steel environmental protection coating plate, etc.


Color coated board is mainly used for some refrigerator door board and microwave oven shell.Color coated board for home appliances mainly includes home appliance pre-coated board (PCM), color laminated film color board (VCM), commonly known as home appliance composite material, in recent years, the consumption in the home appliance industry has been significantly improved.


At present, the color coating board is mainly used in the refrigerator door board and the microwave oven furnace shell.In recent years, the application scope of color coating board is also expanding, such as from the refrigerator door plate to the refrigerator side plate, automatic washing machine, microwave oven and electric water heater and other fields.Home appliance grade color pre-coated board (PCM), color laminated film color plate (VCM), in the use of the home appliance industry increased significantly.



With the upgrading of home appliances, the amount of galvanized plate, color coated plate, high strength stainless steel plate, aluminum galvanized plate, high grade silicon steel, high strength steel plate and other varieties have increased.Home appliances with steel lightweight, beautiful, environmental protection is the new characteristics of the future high-end home appliances with steel.
