
Steel Plate钢板资讯

PVDF彩涂钢带卷纯黑镀铝锌彩涂板0.3mm家电黑铁皮售货机彩涂板DX51D+AZ ...

2021-12-2 09:37| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1607| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资


Aluminized color coating plate (AZ150, G345A, PVDF) is very suitable for buildings or other facilities in extreme environments, corrosion resistant and climate resistant, and these major steel mills can guarantee a service life of more than 20 years.In addition, high-strength steel plate has been widely used abroad, with good economy, and is also a domestic development trend.

镀铝锌彩色涂层钢板是以冷轧钢板和镀锌钢板为基板,经过表面预处理(脱脂、清洗、化学转化处理),以连续的方法涂上涂料 (辊涂法),经过烘烤和冷却而制成的产品。涂层钢板具有轻质、美观和良好的防腐蚀性能,又可直接加工,它给建筑业、造船业、车辆制造业、家具行业、电气行业 等提供了一种新型原材料,起到了以钢代木、高效施工、节约能源、防止污染等良好效果。

Aluminized color coated steel plate is a product made of cold-rolled steel plates and galvanized steel plates as the substrate, after surface pretreatment (degreasing, cleaning, chemical transformation treatment), in a continuous method of coating (roll coating method), after baking and cooling.Coated steel plate has light, beautiful and good corrosion prevention performance, and can be directly processed. It provides a new raw material for the construction industry, shipbuilding industry, vehicle manufacturing industry, furniture industry, electrical industry, and has played a good effect of replacing steel for wood, efficient construction, energy saving and pollution prevention.


The comprehensive anti-corrosion capacity of 55% galvanized zinc is 4 times that of galvanizing, and the color-coated steel plate of aluminum galvanized substrate is not easy to be exposed for oxidation reaction. In case of chemical corrosion, aluminum protective film can also be formed on the surface of the steel plate to prevent rust.
