2021-12-3 14:58| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1700| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
覆膜板是指在钢板表面复合铝箔膜或PVC或PET+PVC 或单层PET 等复合膜的彩色层压钢板。覆膜板具备了金属材料良好的强度及加工性能,同时也具备了高分子薄膜优异的装饰性能、耐腐蚀性能、耐候性能、耐污染性能等。覆膜板应用:冰箱门板、洗衣机面板、空调面板、热水器外壳、微波炉面板、消毒柜面板、电视前框等家用电器领域;金属天花、家具酒柜橱柜面板侧板、防火门面板、平移门门板、净化系统内墙、电梯装潢等建筑装饰领域;汽车、船舶内部装饰及航空等运输设备领域。
Cover plates are coloured laminated plates on a composite foil film or a composite film such as PVC or PET + PVC or a single layer of PET.The film covering plate has good strength and processing performance of metal materials, but also has excellent decorative performance, corrosion resistance, weather resistance, pollution resistance performance of the polymer film.Application of film cover board: refrigerator door panel, washing machine panel, air conditioning panel, water heater shell, microwave oven panel, disinfection cabinet panel, TV front frame and other household appliances; metal smallpox, furniture wine cabinet cabinet side panel, fire door panel, translation door panel, purification system interior wall, elevator decoration; automobile, ship interior decoration and aviation transportation equipment.