2021-12-20 14:29| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1437| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
pet覆膜板经特殊外理的pet膜经高温覆金属板上。具有独特的性能:防火、防水、耐火、耐候等特点,表面形成丰富多样的木纹、石纹、砖瓦纹、织绒纹、迷彩纹、冰纹、羊皮纹、桔皮纹、冰箱花纹等花纹图案,达到图案美观与防腐用于一体的效果。可任意在冷轧不锈钢钢板、镀锌板、铝板、木板和硅钙水泥板上经设备及其他专用设备的作用下制造而成,它不需电镀及电化学处理,其产品表面上有不锈钢色及电镀色的效果。 应用行业:建筑:内外墙体、屋顶、隔层、吊顶、天花板、电梯、厂房墙板、售货亭、车库等。家具:衣柜、橱柜、卫浴柜、餐桌、茶几、更衣箱、档案箱、书架、办公用柜等。门业:卷帘门、防盗门、车库门、室内门等。交通:汽车内装饰板、列车隔断及内装饰板、船舶隔仓及内装饰板、集装箱内装饰板等。
The pet coated plate through a special external pet film through a high temperature coated metal plate.With unique performance: fire proof, waterproof, fire resistance, weather resistance and other characteristics, the surface forms a rich variety of wood lines, stone lines, brick lines, velvet lines, camouflage lines, ice lines, sheep skin lines, orange skin lines, refrigerator pattern and other pattern patterns, to achieve a beautiful pattern and anti-corrosion effect.Can be made in cold rolled stainless steel steel plate, galvanized plate, aluminum plate, board and silicon calcium cement plate under the action of equipment and other special equipment, it does not need electroplating and electrochemical treatment, the product surface has stainless steel color and plating color effect.Application industry: building: internal and external walls, roof, partition, ceiling, ceiling, ceiling, elevator, workshop wallboard, kiosks, garage, etc.Furniture: wardrobe, cabinet, bathroom cabinet, dining table, tea table, locker box, file box, bookshelf, office cabinet, etc.Door industry: rolling shutter door, anti-theft door, garage door, indoor door, etc.Transportation: automobile interior decoration board, train partition and interior decoration board, ship compartment and interior decoration board, container interior decoration board, etc.