2022-1-3 11:19| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1494| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
Because the color coating plate not only has excellent antioxidant, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, but also more colorful color, the traditional galvanized plate pipeline anticorrosion has been gradually replaced by the color plate.Ordinary PE polyester color plate with zinc layer not less than 80 g / square meter and not less than front coating thickness not less than 20um is recommended.For the oil and natural gas transmission pipelines in the field, considering the special environment of the pipeline, it is recommended to adopt PVDF fluorocarbon color plate, Foshan Wanqing high-performance polyester color plate or HDP high-weather resistance color plate.Fluorocarbon coated plate is a metal paint coating plate made of fluorocarbon resin (PVF, PVDF, FEVE, etc.) coated on metal plates and then baked at high temperature.PVDF fluorocarbon coating is the best of existing building coatings, a recognized organic coating with protective effect that guarantees metal building plates for decades and remains beautiful.PVDF fluorocarbon coating has experienced more than 30 years of sun and shine.PVDF was polyvinydene difluoride.The maximum electronegativity of fluorine atoms forms a very stable fluorocarbon bond. coupled with its unique molecular symmetry, PVDF has extraordinary stability, unique anti-UV photohydrolysis performance and excellent insulation performance and mechanical properties.