2022-2-26 14:50| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1685| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
墙面材料丰富多彩,墙板各种装饰板,木饰面板,覆膜板等,都能替代内墙涂料,涂料比较单一容易划伤掉粉,而覆膜钢板的优势恰恰是涂料的相反,该产品的特点有耐刮,耐磨,节能,防火防潮等特性,拥有高级细腻的质感纹理,既使长时间使用也能保持墙面如新,因为有耐洁功能。佛山市万庆物资有限公司:本厂覆膜是一种让金属和 pvc膜贴合的一种工艺。一要控制良好的温度,本厂覆膜成品正常使用不脱膜。二要控制板材的机械性能,在经过我们的高级流水线处理之后依旧保持良好的加工性能。然后把pvc膜和板材通过热转印结合在一起,一种代替传统喷漆的工艺。佛山市万庆物资有限公司,是一家实力雄厚,管理先进的金属板材类加工企业。可以覆膜冷轧卷,镀锌卷,镀铝锌卷,电解板卷,铝卷等钢卷。目前广泛应用于电梯板,装饰墙板,门板,防盗门板,室内门板,木纹板。公司拥有开平和分条加工服务,可以满足客户不同尺寸需要。
Metope materials are rich and colorful, wall board decorative panels, wood panels, coating panels, etc., can replace the inner wall paint, paint is single is easy to cut off powder, and the advantage of coating is the opposite, the characteristics of the product has scratch resistant, wear-resistant, energy saving, fire moisture characteristics, has advanced exquisite texture, both a long time use can keep the metope such as new, because of the cleaning function.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd.: Our film coating is a process to fit the metal and pvc film.First, to control a good temperature, the factory coated film finished product normal use does not defilm.Second, to control the mechanical performance of the plate, and still maintain good processing performance after our advanced pipeline processing line.The pvc film and plate are then combined by thermal transprinting, a process replacing traditional spray painting.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd., is a strong and advanced management of sheet metal processing enterprise.Can be coated cold rolled, galvanized, aluminum galvanized, electrolytic plate, aluminum roll and other steel rolls.At present, it is widely used in elevator board, decorative wall board, door board, anti-theft door board, interior door board, wood grain plate.The company has Kaiping and strip processing services, which can meet the different needs of different sizes.