2022-3-3 11:49| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1451| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
管道保温防腐彩涂板科学选材标准:由于彩涂板不仅具有优良的抗氧化、抗腐蚀等特性,而且颜色更加丰富多彩,传统的镀锌板管道防腐已逐渐被彩钢板所取代。随着各钢企对环保的投入和治理,排放在大气中的腐蚀性气体减少很多,只有少量的腐蚀性物质,部分钢厂在选材的时候只关注了正面选材,却忽视了背面选材,通常以常规2/2涂层为主(20/12um ),其实更多的钢厂厂区内部环境(特别是炼铁、炼钢)远差于外部环境,同时,因是单板,加上高温、高湿,容易结露形成电位差,加快腐蚀介质进入涂层与钢板发生反应,涂层顶起形成漆膜脱落,加速腐蚀,所以我们见到更多的是从厂区内部向外部进行腐蚀。可选用PVDF氟碳彩钢板和HDP高耐候彩钢板,也可选用高膜厚粉末彩涂板。
Pipeline insulation and anti-corrosion color coating plate scientific material selection standards: because the color coating plate not only has excellent antioxidant, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, but also more colorful color, the traditional galvanized plate pipeline anticorrosion has been gradually replaced by the color steel plate.With the investment and governance of various steel enterprises in environmental protection, The corrosive gas emitted in the atmosphere is much reduced, Only a small amount of corrosive material, Some steel mills only pay attention to the positive material selection when choosing the material selection, But ignore the back of the material selection, Usually with a conventional 2 / 2 coating (20 / 12um), In fact, more of the internal environment of steel mills (especially iron making, steelmaking) is far worse than the external environment, at the same time, Because it is a veneer, Plus high temperature, high humidity, Easy to form potential difference, Accelerate the entry of the corrosion medium into the coating and react with the steel plate, The coating roof off the paint film, accelerated corrosion, So we see more corrosion from the inside to the outside of the factory.Choose PVDF fluorocarbon color steel plate and HDP high weather resistance color steel plate, or can choose high film thick powder color coating plate.