2021-7-26 09:31| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1780| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
Building (house panel and exterior panels) itself for material requirements can be divided into safety performance (impact resistance, wind pressure resistance and fire resistance), residential performance (waterproof, heat insulation and sound insulation), durability (pollution resistance, weather resistance and appearance retention), production and processing (economy, easy processing, easy maintenance and repair).
Safety and service life are the most important to the ultimate owner of the building.For the design unit, the service life, carrying capacity, appearance are more important.For the building wall and roof molding processors, color coating plate processing (surface hardness, wear resistance, plate shape and steel plate strength) is the preferred requirement.
Of course, the quality of building color coating board mainly depends on the color painting board production factory, Foshan Wanqing building color coating board has also been widely used in the construction industry.To meet many construction of the material color, shape, quality, performance and other aspects of the detailed requirements.Foshan Wanqing materials is a focus on high-end color coated plate sales enterprises, and the crown, bazhou Beijing, Hebei trillion built Shanghai baosteel, Beijing shougang, Liaoning Ansteel brand color coating plate manufacturers maintain good relations of cooperation, standing highlight white color plate, matte black, highlight black color plate, flash silver ash PCM coated plate, VCM coated color plate, complete specifications.