2022-4-3 15:05| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1398| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
覆膜金属复合板产品是将金属复合板(铝塑板,铝板,彩钢板,铝蜂窝板)基层去油处理后与进口环保装饰膜完美热压复合成型的一种新型高端型材料,覆膜金属复合板颜色丰富,选择性大,颜色可以达到几千种,色彩丰富,具有光稳定性,色差也很小,并且可以仿照各种材质,比如金属石材等等。pet覆膜板广泛应用于商务办公大楼、机场、商务贵宾区、酒店、会议中心、银行、汽车4s店、商业地产、医院、洗手间等墙体装修领域 。传统的装饰材料有一个非常大的隐患,就是防火方面的问题,这种传统的材料易燃,在消防方面是有危害的,有不少的火灾发生都是因为装饰材料引起的。覆膜金属复合板,它有着一定的阻燃性呢自熄性,所以阻燃性能好,可以避免火势的蔓延,也不会产生聚毒的烟雾,对于人体的伤害较小。达到了一定的消防等级。
What is a coated metal composite plate?
coated metal composite plate product is the metal composite plate (aluminum plastic plate, aluminum plate, color plate, aluminum honeycomb plate) after oil processing and imported environmental protection decorative film perfect thermal composite molding of a new high-end material, coated metal composite plate color is rich, selective, color can reach thousands of, colorful, photostability, color difference is very small, and can imitate a variety of materials, such as metal stone and so on.The pet film mulching board is widely used in business office buildings, airports, business VIP areas, hotels, conference centers, banks, automobile 4s shop, commercial real estate, hospitals, toilets and other wall decoration fields.Traditional decorative materials have a very big hidden danger, is the problem of fire prevention, this traditional material is flammable, is harmful in fire protection, there are a lot of fire are caused by decorative materials.Cofilm metal composite plate, it has a certain flame retardant self-extinguishing, so flame retardant performance is good, can avoid the spread of fire, will not produce toxic smoke, less damage to the human body.Achieved a certain fire protection level.