2022-4-29 10:17| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1281| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
建筑物的承载重量(风荷载、雪荷载、建筑公司机器)、建筑物的跨度、檩条设计等,都根据钢板的强度,对建筑维护结构进行着色和镀铝锌钢板等国内外都有相应的标准。中国的GB/t 1274-2006美国ASTM653、ASTM792、日本JISG3302、JISG3321、欧洲EN10215、EN10147等。按钢类型分为普通企业级(CQ)、普通冲压(DQ)、高强度结构钢片(HSS)和完全轻钢(FH)。
Building bearing weight (wind load, snow load, building company machine), building span, purlin design, etc., according to the strength of the steel plate, the building maintenance structure coloring and aluminum galvanized steel plate and other corresponding standards.Chinese GB / t 1274-2006 American ASTM653, ASTM792, Japanese JISG3302, JISG3321, European EN10215, EN10147, etc.According to the steel type, it is divided into ordinary enterprise grade (CQ), ordinary stamping (DQ), high strength structural steel sheet (HSS) and complete light steel (FH).
Material requirements for buildings (roof panels and exterior panels) themselves include: safety performance (impact, wind pressure and fire resistance), residential performance (waterproof, insulation), durability (pollution resistance, weather resistance and appearance Pei Min-ji), production workability (economy, workability, Pei Min-ji and maintenance).Safety and service life are essential to the ultimate owner of the building.In the design unit, the service life, carrying capacity, shape and so on are more important.The workability of color steel plate (surface hardness, wear resistance, geometry and steel plate strength) is the first choice of building wall and roof processing enterprises.Of course, the quality of color steel plate mainly depends on the color coated steel plate factory, but the processing, installation equipment and methods are wrong, will damage the appearance and life of the final product.
Construction engineering with color coated steel plate the same project using different manufacturers, different batches of color coated steel plate, in the construction seems that the color is the same, but after several years of sunlight, the color change of different coating different manufacturers of different trends, resulting in serious color difference, there are too many such examples.Even if the products of the same supplier, it is strongly recommended to order the same project once, because different batch numbers may use the products of different paint suppliers, increasing the possibility of color difference.