2022-5-5 14:44| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 3715| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
彩涂铝卷经过压花加工,也称为彩涂压花铝卷,有橘皮纹、菱形纹等多种花纹。压花铝卷常用 黑色/棕色/白色,根据客户要求; 常规屋顶板一般为双涂,PE双涂也有,背面涂层PE;压花铝卷一般为橘皮/菱形压花。因为涂层的厚度,可以分为单涂(4-20 微米);双涂(25-28 微米);3涂(35-38 微米);因为其表面的花纹,也被称为印花铝卷;铝卷经过压花加工,也称为压花铝卷,有锤纹(stucco)、菱形纹(diamond)、桔皮纹、钻石纹、豆纹、三星纹等多种花纹。佛山市万庆物资有限公司压花铝卷宽度可达1300mm,厚度可达1.5mm;佛山市万庆物资有限公司可根据客户需求,完全按照客户的要求定制各种款式和规格的彩钢板。基材可选用热镀锌板,电镀锌板,镀铝锌等不同材质的基板。表面涂覆耐候性油漆和耐候油墨。表面形成丰富多样的木纹、石纹、砖瓦纹、皮革纹、迷彩纹、冰纹、羊皮纹、桔皮纹、冰箱花纹等上千种花纹图案,达到图案美观与耐候耐腐性能于一体的效果。面漆涂层能满足各种特殊要求。如:耐指纹性,自润滑性,耐高温,自洁抗污性能等。
Color coated aluminum roll through embossed processing, also called color coated embossed aluminum roll, there are orange skin grain, diamond grain and other patterns.embossed aluminum roll commonly used black / brown / white, according to customer requirements; conventional roof plate is generally double coating, PE double coating, back coating PE; embossed aluminum roll is generally orange peel / diamond embossed.Because of the thickness of the coating, it can be divided into single coating (4-20 micron), double coating (25-28 micron), 3 coating (35-38 micron); because of its surface pattern, also known as printed aluminum roll, also called embossed, with hammer (stucco), diamond (diamond), orange peel, diamond, bean, Samsung and other patterns.Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD. emboaluminum roll width can reach 1300mm, thickness can reach 1.5mm;Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. can customize various styles and specifications of color steel plate.Substrate material can be selected hot galvanized plate, electric galvanized plate, aluminum galvanized plate and other different material substrate.Surface coated with weather resistant paint and weather ink.The surface forms a rich variety of wood, stone, brick, leather, camouflage, ice, sheep skin, orange skin, refrigerator patterns and other thousands of patterns, to achieve beautiful patterns and corrosion resistance in the effect.The coat coating can meet various special requirements.Such as: fingerprint resistance, self-lubrication, high temperature resistance, self-cleaning and anti-pollution performance, etc.