2022-1-8 10:02| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1317| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
Sunshine room originated in Europe, from the first industrial Revolution, gradually developed, from the original wooden structure of the sunshine room, to the current steel structure, steel and aluminum structure.
Roof is the main component of the sunshine room, now the sunshine room is more common on the market roof has a few: tempered glass, color steel plate, de high tile, sunshine board.
Sunshine room is mainly composed of steel plate and glass. Thermal insulation color steel plate and tempered glass are more suitable for the construction of sunshine room, which is acceptable to the general public.
According to the welded steel structure, the production and installation of the top surface material of the sun room, you can choose color steel plate, sunshine plate, single face tempered glass or hollow tempered glass, the best weight bearing capacity and resistance, to the number of plywood glass.Single face tempered glass can be 8mm-12mm thick, or 5mm + 9A + 5mm hollow tempered glass, color steel plate can be used 10mm or 15mm thick, weighing 17 kg/m3 with corrugated color steel plate.
Color steel plate, also known as coated color steel plate, color steel plate as the roof of the sun room, is also a common form.Cost, can be said to be also the cheapest.This kind of plate, used for sunshine room is only used as a roof, all sides still need to choose good light transparent tempered glass or other light transparent material.This material is a bit of good heat insulation and insulation performance.