2022-5-7 10:37| 发布者: steelfu4mo| 查看: 1486| 评论: 0 |原作者: 佛山万庆物资
油漆辊涂板(pcm彩涂板)有高光和亚光两种,表面色彩丰富(如: 有钛白、高光白、闪银、金黄、翠玉等),具有耐腐蚀、耐污渍、方便擦洗、良好的加工性能。我司产品具有正常情况使用下十年不变色,外观高雅,能很明显地美化产品外观、大幅度提升产品档次。
Paint roller coating board (pcm color coating board) has two highlights and matte, rich surface color (such as: titanium white, highlights, silver, golden, jade, etc.), with corrosion resistance, stain resistance, easy to scrub, good processing performance.Our products have normal use for ten years do not change color, elegant appearance, can obviously beautify the appearance of the product, greatly improve the product grade.
通常产品生产和制造的最后一道工序是喷漆和涂装,不过也有将钢板预先涂装再组合成产品的方法。PCM是英文的缩写(Pre-coated metal)就是预先涂装金属板的意思。将PCM用的涂料预先涂装的金属板上,再将涂装后的金属板切割成型,最后组合成各种产品。比起涂装成型的设备,这种PCM方法效率和涂料节约及涂装质量更好更高。用PCM涂装的涂料就是PCM涂料。
Usually the last process of product production and manufacturing is painting and painting, but there are also ways of pre-coating and recombining steel plates into a product.PCM is abbreviated (Pre-coated metal) for pre-coated metal plates.The PCM coating is pre-coated on the metal plate, and then the coated metal plate is cut and formed, and finally combined into various products.Compared with coating molding equipment, this PCM method efficiency and coating savings and coating quality.The paint painted with the PCM is the PCM paint.
Cover color plate (VCM) has two kinds of light and light, surface pattern color (such as: today's home appliance industry the most popular stainless steel drawing effect, a variety of color bead effect, a variety of wood grain effect, etc.), good decorative effect, have high surface gloss, with wear resistance, corrosion resistance, oil resistance, convenient scrub, good processing performance.
PCM/VCM 通常是指将基材进行表面处理后涂敷(辊涂)或粘结有机薄膜并烘烤而成的产品,可深加工成最终制品。
PCM / VCM usually refers to the substrate after surface treatment and coating (roller coating) or bonding of organic film and baking products, can be further processed into the final product.
PCM/VCM的涂装质量远比对成型金属表面进行单件喷涂或刷涂得质量更均匀、更稳定、更理想,且加工工艺更加环保。PCM/VCM 具有优异的装饰性、成型性、耐指纹、涂层附着力强,可长期保持色泽新颖等特点,已成为当今家电、机电、船舶等行业理想的复合型材料。
The coating quality of PCM / VCM is far more uniform, more stable and more ideal than the single spraying or brush of the molding metal surface, and the processing process is more environmentally friendly.PCM / VCM has excellent decorative, molding, fingerprint resistance, coating adhesion, can maintain long-term novel color and other characteristics, has become the current home appliances, mechanical, electrical, ships and other industries ideal composite materials.